Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Zapotec: tombs

These tombs were built in  700s BCE. They are a place where you bury dead rulers or kings. Each tomb has different Motifs on them. They were built by the Zapotec. They were built in Monte Alban.

Zapotec: Temples

The Zapotec temples are found in Monte Albán. The Zapotec built them. They were built sometime in the 700s BCE. The purpose was for religious reasons. They also have writing on them and the one in this picture isn't really tall, there are some taller ones. 

Olmec: stone heads

These heads can be found in La Venta. These giant heads are believed to portraits be of Olmec rulers. The Olmec people created these heads. The heads have a scolding face. As you cans see in the picture they are huge! 

Olmec: Gods

In the 20 century people started finding stones with glyph's on them. They were found in what we now call Southern Mexico. People belive that the Olmec's had many gods because there were at least 10 different gods in the carvings. The Olmec's were the ones who carved the rocks.  These were made sometime between 1200 to 400 BCE.

ChavÍn de Huántar: Heads

Heads like this were created in Peru. The people of Chavin made them. The head would have human-like mixed with a cat like face and thick lips with fangs. The heads would also have Chavin images on them. The heads were a form of God which is why they were found on the temples. They were made around 900 to 200 BCE.

ChavÍn de Huántar.: Temples

These temples are found in Peru. The temples have Chavin mofits meaning people, birds, cats, crocodiles and serpents. They were made sometime between 900 to 200 BCE. The temples were used for religious reasons and also for ceremonies. The Chavin were the ones who built the temples.